Add new users to your school, school group, or district.
Follow these simple steps to add new users to your school group.

School group administrators can add new users with various permission levels. They can have access to the entire school group/district, or any number of individual campuses. Within that, you can control what they have access to. Let's get started adding a user:
- Select your school group in main menu.
- Click on the gear icon to open the admin menu.
- Select "users" and click "create user".
- Input their details, including phone number and save.
- (optional) If the new user should have access to ALL schools in your group, open "edit global school group roles", select which permissions they need, and click update user roles. If they only need access to specific schools/campuses, skip this step.
- In the manage menu, select schools and choose the school(s) to add them to.
- Select edit school user roles.
- In the user drop down, select your new user, choose their permissions and click save.
- Lastly, return the manage menu, select users, select your new user, click manage invite, and click the button for send invite email.
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