Conversion to 1099 contractor status

Conversion to 1099 contractor status

What's happening?

Starting early September, HelloSubs will be converting Colorado based substitute teachers to 1099 independent contractor status.

What is changing?

  • Your gross pay will increase. As a contractor, HelloSubs will not be withholding taxes from your pay. Additionally, the employer taxes we have been paying will be added to your pay. Therefore, advertised pay rates will be going up 5-10%.
  • You will be responsible for taxes. You will need to set aside money to prepare for taxes due at the end of the year. We'll provide detailed guidance to help you prepare for this. Including how to deduct things like mileage or work related expenses!
  • That's it. You'll still get to pick your own jobs at great schools across the city. You'll still get paid every Friday. We'll still maintain workers compensation/accident insurance for you.

What happens next?

    • At the beginning of September you'll receive a new independent contractor agreement from us.
    • This conversion to 1099 contractor status is not optional. You'll have sign the agreement to continue working with us.
    • Inside HelloSubs, you'll need to setup your direct deposit, again, and sign a new tax form.
    • Current job assignments will not be affected.
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