Early Childhood Trainings and Resources (Pennsylvania)
Early childhood education can be a challenging, yet rewarding experience! In order to be eligible to sub at some of our preschools in Pennsylvania, you will need to complete the following requirements:

1. Complete the Better Kid Care Required Health and Safety Courses (3 Hours + 3 Hours)
- Step 1:
- Create an account with the Penn State Extension Portal: https://od.bkc.psu.edu/user/sign_in
- Step 2:
- Search for "PA Required Health and Safety for Centers-Group Child Care Part 1"
- Step 3:
- Finish the course and receive your completion certificate!
- Step 4:
- Search for "PA Required Health and Safety for Centers-Group Child Care Part 2
- Step 5:
- Finish the course and receive your completion certificate!

**Part 2 can be completed in your first 90 days of work, and need not be completed prior to onboarding

**If you have completed the Better Kid Care Getting Started Training prior to December 31st, 2024, no need to do the additional trainings. Please send the certificate to your recruiter.
Once you complete the courses, email your Recruitment Consultant with proof! **If you have already completed this course and it is available through your PD Registry, then please send your Professional Development Learning Record Transcript.