HelloSubs teachers hold the responsibility of representing the HelloSubs organization every time they work an assignment. HelloSubs teachers are expected to adhere to the Values and Expectations of both HelloSubs and our partner schools on a daily basis to ensure a positive learning and working environment for students, teachers, support staff and administrators.
ALWAYS: Be on time. Be prepared. Be professional.
Expectations For Every Assignment, Every Day
Arrive on Time - The report time is listed with every assignment. Check your Dashboard each night prior to your assignment to confirm report time and plan your commute.
Dress Code - Dress Code will vary school to school and can be found in School Info for each assignment. For those that don't list a specific Dress Code, assume that Business Casual is appropriate. Once you've completed your first assignment with a school, you can adjust to match that school's Dress Code.
Communication - Communication is essential to a productive and professional relationship between teachers, schools, and HelloSubs. HelloSubs Teachers will adhere to professional and courteous communication with students, admin, and school staff at all times.
Expectations for Accepting Assignments
The most important thing to schools when it comes to substitute coverage is reliability. If you accept an assignment, you are expected to complete the assignment. Do not accept assignments when there is any doubt of your availability for that day. Before you accept an assignment, make sure that you are available for the full day, that you have reliable transportation in place, and any other necessary considerations regarding your availability.
Avoid cancelling assignments with less than 24 hours of notice whenever possible. If you do need to cancel an assignment for any reason, cancel the assignment in the Dashboard as soon as possible. Provide a detailed explanation for the cancellation when prompted. Here is a quick How To video for cancelling an assignment in the Dashboard: https://youtube.com/shorts/mAs65QLTZF4.

It is REQUIRED to cancel the assignment through the Dashboard. This will automatically notify HelloSubs and the school of the cancellation, and release the job back to the pool.
Penalties for cancelling assignments:
- Cancellation with greater than 12 hours’ notice: no penalty.
- Cancellation less than 12 hours but more than 30 minutes before scheduled start time: 1 Strike.
- Cancellation less than 30 minutes before start time OR no-call, no-show: 1 Strike, and automatic suspension pending review with possibility of contract termination.
Penalties for late arrival:
- All late arrivals are subject to a Strike; a Strike can be avoided by communicating late arrivals with HelloSubs and the school
See below: HelloSubs Policy on Issuing Strikes, Suspension, and Termination
Best Practices for a Successful Assignment
- Arrive on time (if not a little early).
- Dress appropriately: Check the school's dress code, or default to business casual.
- Be prepared: Make sure you are familiar with the lesson
plans and any materials that have been provided to you. If there are no lesson
plans, be prepared to improvise by having a backup plan or activity.
- Be flexible: Be prepared to adapt to unexpected changes in
the schedule, lesson plan, or classroom environment. Flexibility and
adaptability are key qualities for a successful substitute teacher.
- Establish clear expectations: Set clear expectations for
behavior, academic performance, and classroom procedures. Communicate these
expectations to the students at the beginning of class and reinforce them
throughout the day.
- Follow the school's policies: Follow the school's policies,
procedures, and rules. Familiarize yourself with the school's emergency
procedures and be prepared to handle any emergency situations that may arise.
- Engage with students as the leader, not their friend: Take an interest in the students and
make an effort to connect with them. Learn their names, show interest in their
interests, and engage them in the learning process. At the same, your job is to enforce the rules in a respectable way.

- PRO TIP: When the students are working on an activity independently, make your way around the classroom and keep students on task. The #1 reason for complaint from schools on a sub's performance is low engagement.
- Leave a note: A note for the
regular teacher about the day's activities, behavior, and any other important
information. This will help the regular teacher to stay up-to-date and to pick
up where you left off.
Behaviors to AVOID
The following behaviors should be avoided at all times. Engagement in any of the below behaviors may result in dismissal from an assignment or termination from HelloSubs. These behaviors include but are not limited to:
- Physical contact of any kind with a student or their belongings.
- Comments to students, faculty or staff that may be considered inappropriate.
- Discrimination of any kind.
- Leaving students unattended.
- Leaving school grounds without communicating with school administration.
- Unnecessary use of smart phone or computer while supervising students in any capacity.
- Possession or consumption of tobacco, alcohol or drugs on campus.
- Arriving to an assignment under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
Every teacher is expected to review and abide by the HelloSubs New Hire Guide. Refer to the Handbook for a complete guide to best practices, sexual harassment prevention, and discrimination prevention. HelloSubs Policy on Issuing Strikes, Suspension, and Termination
Strikes - There are several different reasons a Strike would be issued:
- Late-Notice Cancellation - A Strike is automatically issued in the event of a late-notice cancellation (less than 12 hours of notice)

- Strikes for Late-Notice Cancellations are scrubbed from a substitute's record after fifteen (15) consecutive days worked without an additional Strike being issued.
- Late Arrival - All late arrivals are subject to a Strike, but can be avoided by communicating late arrivals with HelloSubs and the school. A Strike is NOT automatically issued and is case dependent. However, repeated late arrivals will result in one (1) Strike per incidence.

- Strikes for Late Arrivals are scrubbed from a substitute's record after fifteen (15) consecutive days worked without an additional Strike being issued.
- Professional Conduct - A Strike may be issued following any report from a school that the substitute violated the HelloSubs Code of Conduct as it regards to professional conduct.
Strikes are sent via email to the Teacher with a detailed account of the infraction. HelloSubs utilizes a 3-strike system for contract termination. Accumulating 3 concurrent Strikes per contract year (August 1st to July 31st) may result in termination from HelloSubs.
Probation - In the event a substitute accumulates three (3) concurrent Strikes, HelloSubs may place the substitute on Probation. Substitutes on Probation would remain active in the pool, but HelloSubs may institute restrictions on scheduling assignments depending on the nature of the previously issued Strikes.
Suspension - A Teacher may be removed from the pool temporarily at the discretion of HelloSubs. Teachers can then return to the pool once conditions of return are met. This may include:
- Restorative phone conversation with HelloSubs
- Confirmation of Teacher's availability and commitment to completing scheduled assignments
- Additional training and professional development
Termination of Contract - Whenever possible, HelloSubs will make every attempt to work with a Teacher to return them to the substitute pool. However, serious breaches to the HelloSubs Code of Conduct may result in immediate termination of contract.