Out of State Background Checks for Early Childhood Qualification (Colorado)

Out of State Background Checks for Early Childhood Qualification (Colorado)

If you have not claimed residence in a state other than Colorado in the previous five (5) years, you can skip this step and close this page!

If you HAVE held residence outside of Colorado in the previous five (5) years, then there are additional background checks that must be completed for Early Childhood qualification. There are several steps that must be completed for EACH state, so read the below information carefully!
If you have already completed Out of State checks through the Colorado Department of Early Childhood or a CDEC licensed provider, you may be able to skip this step. Contact HelloSubs for more info.

There are two (2) additional checks to complete for EACH previous state of residence within the past five years:
  1. State Criminal History Check (SCH)
    1. This check is NOT required for states participating in the National Fingerprint File (NFF) program: Arizona, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Iowa, Kansas, Maryland, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Montana, North Carolina, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Tennessee, Utah, West Virginia, and Wyoming.
    2. For any of the listed states in the NFF, you can skip the SCH check. You will still need to complete the SCAN check for those states (see below).
  2. State Child Abuse and Neglect Registry Check (SCAN)
    1. This is check is required for ALL states, even those participating in the NFF listed above.
For more information on how to initiate each of the above checks for each state, visit: https://childcareta.acf.hhs.gov/sites/default/files/new-occ/resource/files/Interstate_Child_Care_Background_Check_Contact_Lis_0.pdf.

Follow these steps for EACH check:
  1. Request all results for each check be sent directly to the CDEC BIU Criminal Background Check Unit:
    1.  Email: cdec_cbc_biu@state.co.us. If email is not available, send to:
    2. Mail Address: CDEC BIU Criminal Background Check Unit, 710 S. Ash Street, Denver, CO 80246
  2. Save ALL proof of submission documents for each check, including: a copy of the submission form, filled out and signed by candidate; confirmation email sent by the state agency confirming the submission; receipt/invoice for background check.
    1. Each state may vary in how they provide proof of submission. When in doubt, save anything you feel shows proof submission. This can include emails, attachments, screenshots, etc.
  3. Save ALL above documentation in a single folder. It's recommended to title the folder as: First Name_Last Name - Out of State Check Checklist.
  4. Download and complete the Background Investigation Unit (BIU) State-based Background Check Checklist. Save the completed form in your Out of State Checklist Folder.
  5. Send the Out of State Checklist Folder to cdec_cbc_biu@state.co.us. Make sure to CC support@hellosubs.co.
For additional information, visit the CDEC Background Checks page and navigate to 'Out of State Checks': https://cdec.colorado.gov/background-checks.

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