Professional Development for Colorado Early Childhood (PDIS)

Professional Development for Colorado Early Childhood (PDIS)

This article is for those who have already completed Early Childhood qualification for HelloSubs. Want to become ECE qualified? Start with this article.

Professional Development for Colorado Early Childhood (PDIS)

This article provides information for Colorado ECE Qualified teachers looking to become Lead Teacher qualified through professional development (PDIS). PDIS is a professional development tool provided by the CDEC in part to help ECE teachers gain Level 2 certification and qualify as Lead Teachers. Becoming Lead Teacher qualified is an important step for Early Childhood substitutes to gain access to more jobs and higher paying jobs within ECE.

Before continuing with this article, read this article for a reference point on Level 2 Qualification through the CDEC:

How to gain Level 2 qualification through PDIS

As an ECE qualified substitute with HelloSubs, each teacher has already completed up to seven (7) courses through the Colorado Shines PDIS portal. Two (2) of these courses, totaling 3.5 hours, are denoted as Level 2:
  1. Injury Prevention for Child Care Centers
  2. Playground Safety for Child Care Centers
To search for Level 2 qualified coursework in PDIS, follow these steps:
  1. Log in to Colorado Shines:
  2. Go to Learning > Learning Search
  3. Go to Filters > Subject > Select 'Colorado Shines Level 2'
1.0 hours of coursework equals 1.0 points towards Lead Teacher qualification. In addition to Education and Experience, PDIS coursework can help teachers accumulate the minimum 21 points to become Level 2/Lead Teacher qualified. Any of the courses listed under Colorado Shines Level 2 counts towards Lead Teacher qualification with HelloSubs.

If you are looking for recommendations, HelloSubs has created the following short list of recommended courses:
  1. How Experiences Impact the Developing Brain 
  2. Inclusive Care (Infant and Toddler Care Sequence)
  3. Small Groups (Infant and Toddler Sequence)
  4. Raising of America: Are We Crazy About our Kids?*
  5. Raising of America: DNA is Not Destiny*
  6. Welcoming Children with Special Needs
  7. Cultural Responsiveness Care (Infant and Toddler Sequence)
  8. Recognizing the Impact of Bias on Early Childhood Professionals
  9. Supporting Children and Families Impacted by Homelessness
  10. Competency Domain: Guidance
  11. Guiding with Attachment and Temperament in Mind (Positive Guidance Sequence)
  12. Guiding with Child Development in Mind (Positive Guidance Sequence)
  13. Individualizing Care (Infant and Toddler Care Sequence)
  14. Introduction to Essential Infant and Toddler Program Practices (Infant and Toddler Care Sequence)
  15. Positive Guidance Strategies (Positive Guidance Sequence)
  16. Supporting Breastfeeding in Child Care
  17. Colorado Early Learning and Development Guidelines
  18. Inclusion Sequence: Transition in Early Childhood Overview
  19. Inclusion Sequence: Transition in Early Childhood Preparation and Adjustment
  20. Let's Get Moving! Physical Activity in Early Care and Learning
  21. Mixed-Age Groups (Infant and Toddler Care Sequence)
  22. Primary Caregiving (Infant and Toddler Care Sequence)
  23. Social and Emotional Health and Development