Quick Guide: How to Become Qualified as a Lead ECE Teacher Part 1 🎒 (Pennsylvania)

Preliminary Screening
Step 1: Fill out this Reference Contact form. If you have reference letters from previous employers, this may also be suitable. Please send these to your recruiter. **Please note, there references MUST be from at least 2 previous supervisor where you were working with children** If you do not have 2 years of experience, any references from previous supervisors will do.
Step 2: Sign HelloSubs Contract (This was sent to you in a separate email from ZohoSign.)
Step 5: Complete PA Department of Education ACT 168: Employment History Review (only applicable if you had prior positions with direct contact with children)
HelloSubs is required by the state of Pennsylvania to conduct Act 168: Employment History Review checks from any past paid roles involving direct contact with children (camps, after-school care, coaching, social work, etc...). Please complete this form to submit all relevant information for your Act 168.
Step 6: What is the highest level of education you have received?
- High School: Upload a copy of your high school diploma OR transcripts to the Onboarding Portal and proceed to step 4.
- SOME College Credit (30+ Credit Hours)
- If the college credits were received in Early Childhood Education, Child Development, Special Education, or Elementary Education, or a Human Services Field, such as Behavioral Science, Counseling, Human Behaivor, Psychology, Social Work, Nursing, Secondary Education, upload a copy of your transcripts to the Onboarding Portal, and you may skip step 4.
- If the college credits were in an unrelated field, please upload either your high school diploma/transcripts, or your completed college transcripts to the Onboarding Portal and proceed to step 4.
- College Degree or Higher
- If the college credits were received in Early Childhood Education, Child Development, Special Education, or Elementary Education, please upload a copy of your degree to the Onboarding Portal and you may skip step 4.
- If the college credits were in a Human Services Field, such as Behavioral Science, Counseling, Human Behavior, Psychology, Social Work, Nursing, Secondary Education, etc, please upload a copy of your transcripts to the Onboarding Portal and you may skip step 4.
- If the college degree is in an unrelated field, please upload either your college diploma OR transcripts to the Onboarding Portal and proceed to step 8.
Step 7: If you do not have a relevant degree, you will need to verify having 2 years of experience with children. Please complete the DHS Childcare Evaluation form. These forms will be completed by your previous employers to verify your experience. Your recruiter will send through the forms through Zoho Sign.
Congratulations! You're now done with the first part of the onboarding! Your Recruiter will send you information on the next part!