Quick Guide: ECE Document Expiration and Renewal (Colorado)

Quick Guide: ECE Document Expiration and Renewal (Colorado)

This article provides information for ACTIVE ECE substitutes with HelloSubs. If you haven't yet been activated for ECE, check out this article.

As a qualified ECE substitute with HelloSubs, it is essential to maintain current and valid ECE documentation at all times. Some items required for activation do not expire, but some items require routine maintenance to remain active in the ECE pool. In this article, we'll cover:
  1. Ongoing Professional Development (PDIS) required by the CDEC
  2. Common expiration dates for various documents and certificates
  3. How to renew expired documents and certificates
Ongoing Professional Development

The CDEC requires that ECE substitutes complete 15 or more PDIS credit hours per year to satisfy the ongoing Professional Development requirement. Keep in mind that renewing previously completed courses DOES count towards the 15 hour minimum. Any PDIS course can count towards this requirement, however HelloSubs recommends completing courses that count towards Level 2 or Director certification. You can find a list of recommend courses in this article.

Common Expiration Dates to Keep In Mind

In-Person First Aid/CPR: All CPR certificates will have a listed issue date and expiration date. Make sure to note the expiration date for your certificate and renew it by that date. Additionally, note that CPR certificates must be issued by an approved CDEC vendor. NOTE: The CDEC accepts the online PDIS course Introduction to First Aid, in place of an In-Person CPR certification. While the online course is sufficient for ECE Assistant roles, In-Person CPR certification is required for Lead Teacher roles.

Staff Health Evaluation: Health Evaluations have variable expiration dates ranging from one to two years. Some Health Forms will have a listed expiration date or renewal date, but some don't. Any Health Forms that do not have a listed expiration/renewal date will default to two years. The CDEC Staff Health Form can be completed by any health care professional, including a primary care doctor, during routine visits, or other scheduled appointments.

PDIS Certificates: As part of the ECE activation process, substitutes are required to complete seven PDIS courses. See below for the expiration/renew by dates for each course:
  1. Standard Precautions - 1 year
  2. Infant Safe Sleep Practices - 1 year
  3. Child Abuse and Neglect - 1 year
  4. Preventing Shaken Baby Syndrome and Abusive Head Trauma - 2 years
  5. Injury Prevention for Child Care Centers - 1 year
  6. Playground Safety for Child Care Centers - 1 year
  7. Emergency and Disaster Preparedness for Child Care Providers - No expiration
  8. Intro to First Aid** - 2 years
    1. **Only required if no In-Person CPR/First Aid certification on file
How to renew PDIS courses:
  1. Log in to Colorado Shines: https://www.coloradoshinespdis.com/
  2. Go to Learning > Learning Transcript
  3. Filter by Learning Status > Completed
  4. Click the Course Title (Example: Infant Safe Sleep Practices)
  5. Click 'Register' > Click 'Request'
  6. Once the course is completed, send the updated certificate to support@hellosubs.co 
HelloSubs will do our best to keep in touch with all substitutes regarding upcoming expiration/renewal dates, however we encourage all substitutes to be aware of these dates and proactively send updated documentation to HelloSubs as needed.

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